European Movement Azerbaijan 
An idea of the establishment of the European Movement International’s local office in Azerbaijan derives from Estonia in 2004. Despite the fact that the activists in socio-political life of Azerbaijan in different periods joined this initiative, so the systematic activity has begun only in 2007. Since 2008, the local office has been headed by Surkhan Latifov. The various events were held during this period, even so the first establishment congress of the European Movement Azerbaijan has been only held on 17th of February, 2012.
As well as in other countries, we would also like very much the EMA’s Administration be elected by associate members. However, we have had no associate and individual members, or any structure. What to do in this case? After careful deliberation on this, we have decided to involve in this process the influential and accurate people in society. In addition, we have been interested to involve in the main youth organizations operating in Azerbaijan. The goal to choose more and more young people comes out of a desire to create a dynamic organization.

Preparatory links...
Ramin Hajili appointed General Secretary of European Movement of Azerbaijan:
President of European Movement to visit Baku:
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyTjON_vOzY&feature=relmfu 

Thus, to begin the process creating an initiative group that consists of 40 became more appropriate option. Otherwise, it had been impossible. Both a general lack of information in Azerbaijani society about the European Movement and proliferation of these traditions among the broad mass had been the reasons that complicated our work. We had a little time, but the goal was very great. Within two months, we had to hold meetings with 40 people, organize a congress, identify candidates, gather a group composed of volunteers, conduct the necessary negotiations with the European Movement and ensure its participation in this process. Everything was successful and so as we wanted to. An initiative group was established consisting of not 40, but 41 people, 3 philanthropist businessmen were involved in the process and the President of the European Movement International Jo Leinen had personally visited Baku. 

Be familiar with the members of the initiative group: http://azeuromove.blogspot.com/p/intiative-group.html 

As a result of all this, the European Movement Azerbaijan managed to hold its first congress on 17th of February, 2012.
The congress has elected the President of the European Movement Azerbaijan Ramin Hajili and the following members of the Board of Directors: Khalisa Shahverdi, Emin Aslan, Parviz Abbasov, Gulsel Safarova, Mirhasan Seyidov, Elnara Garibova, Gudsiya Mammadova, Orkhan
Akbarov, Fariz Ahmadov, Javid Ismayilov, Vugar Ahmadov, Leyla Aslanova. A Charter was adopted by a majority of votes. 

(Link: http://ann.az/en/news/21946 )

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5VDzrYnlF0&feature=youtu.be
About EMA Board of Directors: http://azeuromove.blogspot.com/p/board.html

Note that preparations for the congress began after the appointment of Ramin Hajili as a Secretary General of EM Azerbaijan. (28.11.2011), and his speech with an extensive speech was published in Media.

(Link: Ramin Hajili: My arrival in European Movement http://ann.az/en/news/28746 )

You may find the following link to become familiar with the Head of European Movement Azerbaijan Ramin Hajili to be heading the EM Azerbaijan over three years: http://rhacili.blogspot.com/p/biografiyam.html 

In order to get suggestions for the preparation of the EM Azerbaijan’s program has been organized the event the Role of Civil Society in the Process of European Integration on 18th of February, 2012. The President of European Movement International , Jo Leinen was an honorary guest of the event. 

( Link: http://ann.az/en/news/23635 )

On 19th of February Mr. Jo Leinen took place in the opening of EM Azerbaijan`s office. Also took part in the close meeting of the Movement and discussed issues about newly auctioning EM Azerbaijan’s with the initiative members of the organization. 

(Link: http://ann.az/en/news/22604 )

On 20th of February was held first Board Meeting of EM Azerbaijan. Board elected four Vice Presidents of the EM Azerbaijan – Hikmat Ismayilov, Leyla Mammedli, Mardan Afandiyev and Sevinj Hajizade, and Aysel Gayibkhanova distinguished as a Secretary General of the Local Movement. The working group defined in the meeting of Board of Directors for the Action Plan preparations. 

( Link: http://ann.az/en/news/24695 )

On 4th of March, 2012, in the second meeting of Board of Directors the followings were decided
• Aysel Gayibkhanove and Ramin Hajili to be charged in the process of EM Azerbaijan’s being full member of EM International.
• Secretary General to be affirmed staff of the central department
• Define on 3 Honorary Presidents for the National Committee. Mr.Asim Mollazade and Mr. Kamal Abdulla are distinguished as Honorary Presidents. (The name of the 3rd Honorary President is not defined yet)
• To introduce EM Azerbaijan’s Action Plan, Board of Directors, Secretary general and Secretariat members to society on 16th of March. 
To get more info about EM Azerbaijan latest development and Mr.Leinen’s visit follow the link below : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rViaZG5q9VI&feature=youtu.be 

From the 1st of February to 16th of March EM Azerbaijan appointed meetings with the Representative Members of European Countries in Azerbaijan and different International Organizations focused on European Integration. Referring to experience of European Movement International and National Committees of EMI in European Countries and also upon to the recommendations of Representative Members of European Countries in Azerbaijan (Netherlands, Poland, Latvia, Sweden, Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland ) and International Organizations ( OSCE, Council of Europe, European Union, NDI) was prepared EM Azerbaijan`s Action Plan.
Link of Action Plan: http://azeuromove.blogspot.com/p/activity-program.html 

On 16th of March at 14:00 pm, the Presentation Ceremony, “FAQ” ( Frequently Asked Questions) of European Movement Azerbaijan took place in the International Press Center (IPC) within the participation of International Organization Members and Ambassadors and Ambassador Assistants. Board of Directors elected in the first Congress of the Movement, Secretary General and Secretariat Members, Honorary Presidents, Vice Presidents, Accepted Charted of the EM Azerbaijan introduced to Media.
In addition the most recent activities of EM Azerbaijan were reported. Otherwise Action Plan, web page and Head of Committees according to the Action Plan were presented to Media, as well.
EM Azerbaijan started functioning as a whole since 17th of February,2012 

Link: http://ann.az/en/news/28908

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B2U7auQsvY&fb_source=message

Brief video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B2U7auQsvY&fb_source=message

With a creation of its activity referring to Action Plan, also EM Azerbaijan will pave the way for its activity for the following years in 2012. Adjoining to Action Plan, EM Azerbaijan will be continue its work with a missions over Movement`s Charter, Regulations, and Manifesto.
International Conventions, Law of Azerbaijan Republic and Standarts of European Movement International forming legal base for EM Azerbaijan.